An old sanatorium is deteriorating in an isolated forest in the mountains. The elderly janitor is still living there to ensure that no one access the dangerous building. Five contract workers have taken on the task of tracking the huge building for hazardous waste before its demolished. Over ...
Julia, an online vlogger from Germany, comes to the US to visit her cousin Hannah. Upon her arrival, Julia falls fatefully ill, prompting Hannah"s suspicion of the strange and sudden illness. When unusual happenings start taking place in her home, Hannah begins a relentless internet search to...
吉兹和奥夫是一对颇让人羡慕的情侣。不过奥夫身材高大,容貌虽佳,却是个彻头彻尾的花花公子。他与女孩英在电影院约会,结果正被吉兹看在眼里。事后奥夫向女友赌咒发誓,说对英绝对没有感情,致令听到这一话语的英伤心欲绝,万念俱灰,最终从摩天大厦的顶层跳下,一命归西。 奥夫的赌咒并未赢回吉兹的心,在闺蜜的帮...