Picture-perfect Neve (County Line’s Ashley Madekwe) has it all – a beautiful family and a lavish lifestyle. She is the toast of her upper-middle-class suburban community, having worked very hard to get to the top. However, her pristine veneer cracks when she starts to see a couple of mysteri...
A group of friends move into a vacation home with a sinister past in Fall River, Massachusetts. Suspicious of the home"s owner, Taryn feels a strong connection to the house and finds herself at the center of one of the most deadly poltergeists in American history.
The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the "most wanted man online", is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry, being fought in New Zealand, is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age. Thre...
故事描述新英格兰地区某小镇前任警长Stanley Miller(John C. McGinley)永远是一副牢骚满腹的样子。他在妻子的葬礼上突然怒气爆发,导致他丢官罢职,被迫退休,很不情愿地将权力交给性格顽固的新任警长Evie Barret(Janet Varney)。两人都意识到镇上有些事情不对劲,促使他们结为不靠谱的盟友。他们将联手对抗侵袭...
恐怖!致命!最危险的毒蛇大军入侵西部小镇 亡命之徒比尔来到偏远西部小镇,那里以充满黑帮,犯罪闻名,然而这群穷凶恶极的罪犯,即将面临最恐怖的敌人:沙漠毒蛇大军!一大群拥有剧毒的的毒蛇涌入小镇,只要被咬上一口立即命丧黄泉,镇民们陆续惨死,剩下的人被迫聚集在一起,此时比尔急中生智用炸药将蛇群炸死,但...
故事发生在两个舞台剧演员Robin 和Lacie之间。Robin和女友已经结婚6年,而Lacie从没有一段稳定的恋情,两个人共同出演一个浪漫舞台剧的两位女主,舞台剧的主题就是女人之间的爱。在反复的排练中,两个人擦出火花,两个人逐渐坠入爱河。 Robin不想伤害自己的伴侣,同时背负着背叛自己伴侣的愧疚,两个人渐渐搞不清楚...