颓唐邋遢的哈伯(Chance A. Rearden 饰)曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失去了这份干了半辈子的工作。在此之后,他打电话找来自己的粉丝以及唯一好友——刚刚通过医生考试的青年德文(Wade F. Wil...
A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". S...
Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saa...
While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before shes able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformati...
达伦·山(Chris Massoglia 饰)是一个学业优秀、青春阳光的高中生,他在学校人缘极好,且拥有幸福美满的家庭,因此被朋友们称为“完美先生”。某日,一张宣传单改变了他的生活走向。一个囊括了各种怪异事物的奇趣马戏团来到他所在的镇上,虽然父母老师禁止,不过达伦依旧和痴迷吸血鬼的好友史蒂夫(Josh Hutcherson 饰...
有人戏称这部电影是“四个男人的一台戏”。 影片中基本没有特别引人的情节,没有激烈的动作打斗场面,甚至没有撩人心弦的爱情故事,然而绕有趣味的是,影片除却赢得了1700万观众,还被当时权威电影杂志《苏联银幕》评为1983年最佳影片。 这样一部既叫座又叫好的影片讲述了前苏联20年代四个青年音乐家组办爵士乐队的故...
在世界末日之后,一群虔诚的沉默的狂热者追捕着 Azrael(萨玛拉·维文 Samara Weaving 饰),一个逃脱了自己的监禁的年轻女人——她将不惜一切代价活下去。