Hage, the Holy Spirit, is writing a musical, when Jesus returns to earth at Christmas to prepare the apocalypse. To prevent this, Hage tries to convince him that mankind is worth saving with the help of a beautiful striptease dancer.
When Sam regains consciousness in the middle of a crowded subway, he doesnt know how he got there, where he came from nor his own name. He franticly searches for his identity, using the contents of his backpack. Slowly but surely he realizes his life is in great danger.
In this season, the show went back to airing one new episode a week, but stayed in the hour-length format, filling up the second half-hour with episodes from previous seasons and some of the prime-time specials from the 1980s. This entire season, along with the second half of season 6, is ava...
伯格曼为瑞典电视台拍摄的舞台歌剧,故事讲述母夜叉的女儿遭人绑架,遇见一个能用吹笛子驯服野兽的青年和一个王子,他们在追求真善美的过程中,遭遇形形色色的童话境界。 一句话评论: We only see Bergman, we only hear Mozart 幕后制作: 影片除了舞台镜头,还加入不少观众的反应镜头和幕后机关的解密镜头,...
1938年,纳粹吞并奥地利后大力迫害犹太人。1939年2月,与奥地利毗邻的瑞士封锁了犹太人赖以逃生的边界,但数百无签证的难民仍偷渡入境,瑞士移民局对此选派年轻有为、信仰笃定的警局巡官罗伯特·弗雷(Robert Frei)前往圣加仑州(the canton of St. Gallen)展开调查。调查者发现移民局公务人员保罗·格吕宁根(Paul ...