Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist. ? Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventual...
Garrett is a rising YouTube star. Shell is a deeply emotional fan. When they begin a romantic relationship, he's forced to question whether opening your life to strangers online is an invitation to community and rescue...or to stalking, obsession and madness.
A tropical paradise in an attempt to find love. As they compete to form relationships, the most compatible couples will play matchmaker, breaking up other couples and sending them on dates with brand-new singles they’ll invite to the villa. Will they create better matches, or will they creat...
When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have been part of a pornographic snuff ring that lures young ...
Es la historia de Nicolás, un adolescente de 17 años que vive en una pequeña ciudad en Argentina. Su situación familiar es muy particular. Su padre, Jorge, un médico influyente de la zona, mantiene dos vidas paralelas. Una es la que comparte con su familia oficialmente reconocida. La otra es ...
历经无数战火与生死考验,孔武有力的豪情勇士约翰·兰博(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)放下手中的杀人武器,在泰国过起了平静的修行生活。这一日,特劳特曼上校(理查德·克里纳 Richard Crenna\t饰)突然出现在他面前。此前不久,上校受命率部队前往阿富汗,协助当地的圣战勇士反抗苏联人的入侵。虽然...