记录了曾经轰动一时的好莱坞大淫媒海蒂·弗烈丝(Heidi Fleiss)的性交易事件。著名女星妮可基曼即将主演根据此事件改编的电影版本.当年这起牵涉性、金钱及明星的社会新闻彷佛电影情节,许多好莱坞大牌明星的黑暗面将通通曝光。影片着重描写关于这个三十七岁年轻女子从身为医师女儿到摇身一变成为好莱坞淫媒的“崛起与失...
"Chris Marshall met the girl he was going to kill on a warm night in early June, when of the colleges in Oxford was holding its summer ball." A chance meeting with Jenny at an Oxford party leaves seventeen-year-old Chris with hope for a summer romance - and no premonition of trouble. Busy wit...
An adventure of the soul. JOSEPH is a young, painfully shy writer in the waterlands of South Carolina. After robbing a rural juke joint with two lower-class buddies and joy-riding up the coast to Myrtle Beach, his journey becomes a quest for strength and courage.