世界著名的特技车手本·科林斯, 带你来参加扣人心眩,肾上腺狂飙的刺激之旅。他在包括麦克拉伦650S,阿斯顿马丁Vanquish,阿约诺曼越野车,捷加F系列,以及福特野马在内的名车里,寻找一辆完美的特技车辆,在他的驾驶下,飙到极速,在汽车和坦克的狂野追逐中,与死神玩色子对赌,进行劲爆的好莱坞式的汽车追逐。
Tom Reynolds returns to find he is wanted for murder, his gun having been found at the scene. Tom suspects Munro and stages a fight to get a bullet fr om Monro's gun which he then sees matches the murder bullet. He gets his brother Steve to confes
《犯罪实录》首季订数为八集,讲述「梅内德斯兄弟杀人案」(The Menendez Brothers Murders)。1989年8月20日,21岁的莱尔(Lyle)和18岁的埃里克-梅内德斯(Erik Menendez)在位于贝弗利山的住宅内开枪谋杀了他们的父母,随后驾车逃离。他们将凶器(散弹枪)扔在穆赫兰道上,并在当地一家电影院买了电影票作为不在...
In this gentle anti-war comedy, a class of French schoolboys divides into two factions who begin to battle each other, with the victors claiming the buttons off the clothes of the vanquished. One day, some of the boys pull a strategic coup by running into battle naked, therefore leaving their...
铁道工人善科(斯特凡·德诺利博夫 Stefan Denolyubov 饰)在执勤的过程中,意外发现洒落遍地的钞票。忠厚老实的他,没想太多便决定报警处理。适逢弊案频传,首席公关尤莉亚(玛吉塔·戈施瓦 Margita Gosheva 饰)决定炒作他的义举,力图扭转政府形象。然而,精明干练的她,竟在表扬典礼上意外弄丢了善科心爱的旧表,...