In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is chang...
ITV六十年代之经典科幻。 sonychen 注 A high-ranking but un-named Agent in the British Government resigns from his job/post and leaves for a holiday. While packing he is gassed and is taken to a beautiful but deadly prison known only as "The Village" where people are taken, given a Number to be...
Trust Me将目光聚焦于高压力的广告业,办公室政治、性格冲突、骄傲自大不可理喻的客户等等元素组成了这部TNT电视台全力打造的新剧。
Tanner一家是一户普通的美国家庭。一天,一个不速之客“降临”在他们面前。他身材矮小,他全身被毛,他态度傲慢,他是一个来自Melmac星球的外星人。Tanner一家不知所措,给他起了个“外号”:ALF(allien life form)。Tanner一家宁静的生活被这个新成员所打破,一起上演了一幕幕诙谐而温馨的故事……
剧情设定在上世纪八十年代,在艳阳高照的夏天,学生们纷纷走出校园参与各种休闲活动。位于中西部地区的清水夏令营是一座表面上看起来风光秀美的夏令营,这里的辅导员们张开双臂欢迎那些前来度夏的年轻人——他们有的在这里找到了人生的初恋,有的经历了人生的初吻,有的……完成了人生的第一次杀戮。 清水夏令营沉睡已久...
Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a forest, where teenagers are sent by their parents to study. The boarding school is situated in a forest far from the city, on the outskirts on which macabre events occur. The series debut on 24 May ...