Six months no longer part of the Organization, the Coopers have to live their lives without being spies. That changes their lives forever. But when K.C finds out that Ursula has been torturing them, the Coopers have to strike back to get Judy back and to eliminate Ursula.
午夜喜剧《夜色》由Ali Wentworth主演,在第一季尚未播出之前就已经获得第二季续订。该剧描述一档午夜节目《Nightcap with Jimmy》的幕后故事,负责邀请名人嘉宾的Staci(Ali Wentworth)一方面要应对功能紊乱的工作团队,另一方面要满足无数名人嘉宾的古怪要求。Lauren Blumenfeld、Don Fanelli、Karl Gregory、Jef...
Romantic entanglements are complicated by a unique silver cow creamer that is desired by both Berties Uncle Thomas and his rival, Judge Sir Watkyn Bassett. Sir Watkyn purchases the creamer by telling the shopkeeper, falsely, that Thomas had sent him. Berties Aunt Dahlia and friend "Stiffy" By...
该剧描述一档午夜节目《Nightcap with Jimmy》的幕后故事,负责邀请名人嘉宾的Staci(Ali Wentworth)一方面要应对功能紊乱的工作团队,另一方面要满足无数名人嘉宾的古怪要求。已确定在剧中亮相的名人包括:Gwyneth Paltrow、Sarah Jessica Parker、Paul Rudd、Kelly Ripa、Debra Messing、Whoopi Goldberg、George...