A group of orphans are stranded in Hope Valley for the holidays, and Abigail (Loughlin) and the other residents band together to make this an unforgettable Christmas. Meanwhile, Elizabeth (Krakow) - who learned in the season 5 finale that she was pregnant with the child of the now-deceased Ja...
Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as to why they are this way and their search leads them to Ottmannsgaard, a boarding school with plenty of d...
《菲尔来蹭饭第一季》英文原名Somebody Feed Phil Season 1,是一部选秀 综艺类型的美剧,目前该剧已经更新到第本季终集,有兴趣的朋友千万不能错过啦
FOX拿下一部不在正常预订程序的喜剧《老顽童 The Cool Kids》,这部Charlie Day(他与Paul Fruchbom负责剧本)﹑Rob McElhenney及Glenn Howerton负责的多镜头喜剧讲述住在退休人士社区的三个朋友,原本他们在此是优胜 者,不过主角们的地位将因为社区的新成员 – 一位叛逆的「妹纸」而受到动摇。Vicki Lawrence饰演Ma...
It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory space mission. Suddenly, their ship, the UMP Cruiser, is drawn through a portal into a different, mysterious universe. With no maps, no contact, and no way back home, Captain Stewart Lipinski...
英国BBC最新电视剧《尘归尘》是《火星生活》的衍生剧。英国电视剧《Life on Mars》(火星生活) 曾获英国电视学院奖及国际艾美奖,ABC已在翻拍美版。这部剧集科幻(尤其是时间旅行)题材与警匪片于一身,说的是曼城的一个警探山姆-泰勒,在办案中被车撞倒在地,从昏迷中醒来后发现自己回到了1973年,成为警探吉恩-亨特的...
Louise and Kasper, a Danish couple, live in an isolated villa in the middle of the forest away from modern life, technology and even electricity. Louises biggest dream is to become a mother but she is unable to have children. She finally decides, out of desperation, to seal a pact with her Ro...
BBC六集新剧《老婆大人快回家》在4月18日播出,故事描述Murray(Ben Miller)是个为人正直的好男人,每个人都喜欢他。因为做惯了好人,因此当妻子Bex(Caroline Catz)突然提出要离开他时,他非常惊讶。当Bex离开的时候,Murray刚刚为她准备了40岁「生日惊喜」聚会,现在要取消已经来不及了……宾客已经到来,聚会只能...
The three-parter is based on Guy Lyon Playfair’s book This House is Haunted and will be directed by Kristoffer Nyholm, the Dane whose credits include The Killing and Lars von Trier’s The Idiots and Breaking the Waves. Playfair, a paranormal investigator, originally published the book in 1980 ...