811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family start...
梅莫(阿拉斯·布鲁特·伊涅姆利 Aras Bulut Iynemli 饰)虽然生得人高马大,但却只有相当于6岁孩童一般的智慧,他带着女儿奥瓦(妮莎·索菲亚·阿克松古尔 Nisa Sofiya Aksongur 饰),同奶奶法蒂玛(塞利尔·托扬·乌伊萨尔 Celile Toyon Uysal 饰)生活在一起,日子虽然过得紧巴巴的,但一家人能够团聚就是最大的快乐。...
Part one of the Treasure Island Kids Series follows Charlie, a rebellious teenager sent to summer camp by his parents. This is not any old summer camp, this is the real Island. Meanwhile, the evil Captain Flint plots to take over the island and take all the gold hidden there for himself. Cha...
Syfy原创科幻电视电影《危险古迹》(Dark Relic)。 讲述了欧洲中世纪时代出现机械怪兽的故事。 讲述一群十字军战士在找到基督受难的十字架后,与恶魔做斗争的故事。
影片讲述两个20岁刚出头,跟中国有些渊源的年轻人重走长征路的故事。男孩名叫Benedict Short,他是中英混血,母亲是中国人,父亲是英国作家Philip Short, 曾写过《毛泽东传》。女孩名叫Margaux De Wilde,她的母亲是加拿大人,父亲是法国人。她读小学时,身为外交官的父母被派往北京,她的童年时光是在中国度过的。 ...