97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner workings of Central Banks and the Money creation process. When money drives almost all activity on t...
When a strange virus quickly spreads through a safari park and turns all the zoo animals undead, those left in the park must stop the creatures before they escape and zombify the whole city.Edited by http://www.btfensi.com/
《幻影神鲨》 讲述的是惨遭杀害的鲨鱼受到诅咒,化作鬼鲨向小镇居民展开复仇行动。鬼鲨遇水而现,泳池、浴缸、水杯无处不在,所到之处无人生还…… 粗鲁蛮横的博贝克和女儿维多利亚参加钓鱼大赛,谁知到手的鱼儿却被一条白鲨吃掉。博贝克勃然大怒,竟然用炸药对付鲨鱼,结果父女引来了可怕的杀身之祸,连驾驶游艇的船...
A fast-paced, dark dramedy following six lovable degenerates, their terrible choices, often hilarious and tragic consequences, and unexpectedly interwoven lives. 一个快节奏的、黑暗的dramedy以下六个可爱的堕落,可怕的选择,往往热闹和悲剧性的后果,并意外地交织在一起的生活。
When rapper Mike Massacre (Keraun Harris) is fired, his baby mama gives him an ultimatum: get signed by his 30th birthday or give up rap forever.
In Western Europe, on the west side of Scandinavia, on the west side of Oslo, is the greatest place on earth – Smestad. This is where Tina and Bettina lives, the most popular teen girl in high school. With a teen life filled with blogging, boys and parties, everything is great for the g...
Starz拉丁裔题材半小时新剧《Vida》讲述了来自洛杉矶东区两个墨西哥裔美籍姐妹Emma和Lyn,两人大不同之余还很疏离。当现实让她们必须回到小时候生活的街区后,她们在那里找到了关于她们母亲的过去和惊人的真相。Mishel Prada饰演Emma,与自己的姐妹和母亲都很疏远,非常不愿意回家参加母亲的葬礼及处理家族产业。Mel...