Flight 42 was on its way, when it comes across an unidentifiable storm. Realizing they must go through, find themselves in France, 1940, World war II. A young soldier (Robbie Kay) tells them they are in the middle of a war zone. Dodging bullets and bombs the flight will attempt to make it bac...
讲述挪威武士贝奥武夫(杰拉德·巴特勒 饰)为对抗强大危险的巨人格兰戴尔,而展开血战的中世纪冒险故事,堪称血染的传说。各路高手蜂拥而来,只为在这部英国文学历史上第一部重要作品中占有一席之地。由始至终效忠于赫隆斯加王、极端受人尊敬的丹麦之王贝奥武夫带领一群武士渡过海洋,去拯救一个被怪物掠劫的村庄。...
Beyond Beyond is a story about wanting the impossible. A story about a little rabbit boy not old enough to understand the rules of life, who takes up the fight against the most powerful force. While doing so, he learns more and more about life.
电影《风月之家》(《casa de remolienda》)就是充分利用了智利南部旖旎的风光来衬托和讲述这个对我而言已经不新鲜的故事。 一位风韵犹存的乡下女人带着三个早已成年的儿子到镇上找失散多年的妹妹。后者恰好在镇上经营一家夜总会,带着三个年轻貌美的风月场上的女人。三对年轻人几乎是一见钟情,然而,与所有的故...
Tik为了逃避父亲为他安排上的军事学校而不得不假扮成女生,并自愿加入了“Curry Angel”这个学校中前卫的人妖组合。至于Nan则是Noni的孪生妹妹,并且刚刚从国外回来。见到Nan的时候Tik就爱上了她,在努力跟Nan亲近了之后才知道原来Nan讨厌男生,因为她觉得男人常常说谎!这使得Tik不敢将自己假扮成人妖这件事告诉Nan。...
In 2015, exactly 100 years after the Armenian Genocide, a theatre director (Simon) is staging a play at the Los Angeles Theatre to honor the victims of that tragedy -- a horrifying crime forgotten and denied for an entire century. But as protesters surround his theatre, and a series of myster...