A mother's dying warning fails to keep her estranged children away from the homestead. Siblings Hari and Eka return to find that their mother's reputation as a witch precedes her. Based on rumors of seasonal suicides by hanging in rural Indonesia, Death Knot is rising star Cornelio S...
Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night falls, this seeming everyman savagely kills "filthy women" as his social outlet. A chance encounter with Delia, a young prostitute searching for an escape from her troubled past, forces ...
故事发生在1948年的古巴,一次偶然中,钢琴师奇可(伊南·奥纳 Enan Oña 配音)结识了名叫丽塔(丽玛瑞·蒙内塞斯 Limara Meneses 配音)的年轻女子,丽塔美妙的歌声吸引了奇可的注意,心心相惜的两颗心碰撞出了爱情的火花。 一番波折之后,奇可和丽塔总算走到了一起,志同道合的两人决定共同经...
有人戏称这部电影是“四个男人的一台戏”。 影片中基本没有特别引人的情节,没有激烈的动作打斗场面,甚至没有撩人心弦的爱情故事,然而绕有趣味的是,影片除却赢得了1700万观众,还被当时权威电影杂志《苏联银幕》评为1983年最佳影片。 这样一部既叫座又叫好的影片讲述了前苏联20年代四个青年音乐家组办爵士乐队的故...
报道明星花边新闻,记者迈卡(安尼·玛利克·布普克 饰)总比乔尼慢一步。两人分属于不同的报社公司。乔尼工作起来似乎比迈卡更轻松。终于有一天迈卡发现了她的同事向乔尼提供采访资料,于是,迈卡使乔尼所在的报社陷入了法律危机。但现在迈卡却爱上了乔尼,虽然她不知道自己的命运如何,但运气总会来的。最终,迈卡得...
1.垫场赛 El Torito (w/Diego & Fernando) vs. Hornswoggle (w/Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater &Jinder Mahal) 2.三重威胁淘汰赛 Cesaro (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) vs. Rob Van Dam 3.二对一强弱不等赛 Alexander Rusev (w/Lana) vs. R-Truth & Xavier Woods 4.洲际冠军赛 Big E vs. Bad News ...
Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his late father's estranged family in small-town Luxembourg, which hides a much darker nature. When she realizes that Martin could become like them, Elaine is forced into a desperate fight for her son's fut...