本片主要讲述了泰国人的祖先为自由而战的传奇故事。 本片演员阵容不算庞大,因此Kantana电影公司将有更多的资金用于本片后期制作。主要演员包括了Prappa Suwanbang,Anant Lapanit 以及 Sarah Legge。本片导演Da Nirattisai Kaljaruek 在执导此片时距离他上一部电影作品《杜鹃鸟之歌》已有16年之久。《杜鹃鸟之歌》...
Harry Callahan - or Dirty Harry as he is known from the previous four movies in this series - is investigating a strange betting game. A list of local celebrities has been handed out, and bets are being taken on who will be the first to die. Things start to get interesting when the name Harry...
Its Friday in Asunción and the temperature is 40oC. Victor, a 17 year-old barrow-boy, dreams of becoming famous and cant take his eyes off the TV set in Mercado 4. Hes offered the chance to deliver 7 boxes without knowing what they contain in exchange for $100. But what sounded like an easy j...
Netflix美食+旅行纪录剧《来人喂饱Phil》(Somebody Feed Phil)发布预告,《人人都爱雷蒙德》主创Phil Rosenthal赴各国吃+玩,西贡、里斯本、曼谷、特拉维夫、墨西哥城、新奥尔良…好开心!“我到了新地方,看看那里人们吃啥,有时奇迹会发生。”1月12日上线。