The films plot centers on rival lion dance troupes in Singapore -- a liberal-looking faction of a traditional troupe, Tiger Crane (led by Wang Wei Liang), breaks away from it to form a new one called Storm Riders (led by Tosh Zhang), which advocates a new style of lion dance with more modern ...
Missed Connections is a comedic romance about a guy named Neal who finds himself knee-deep in a quarter-life crisis. He is haunted by the memory of catching his best friend and girlfriend having sex with eachother. After quitting his job and suffering through the worst birthday party of his l...
从Oklahoma 来到纽约的青年Claude和一群以Berger为首的嬉皮士结下了友谊,在这期间他和来自豪门的姑娘Sheila相爱了,可是欢聚的时光短暂, Claude被卷入了美国打着维护世界和平旗号发动的越南战争中,就在他将要出发去前线时,Berger潜入军营,把Claude换出来和Sheila见最后一面,谁曾想部队恰在这个时候开拔,眼看...
这是一个既充满动作又富人情味的故事,从多方面看友情和道义。故事中的主角:哈里、锡哈、班茜和高比是四个莫逆之交。他们居住的地方街霸横行,这些不法分子只手遮天,欺压穷人,甚至与警方狼狈为奸,经营不法场所,诈骗穷人的血汗钱。 一次街霸争夺地盘,他们锦布尔那区的老大梅得利被杀,而新上任的阿巴斯手段毒辣...