Season 14 of the American competitive reality television series Hells Kitchen premiered on March 3, 2015 on Fox. The prize is a head chef position. Gordon Ramsay returned as head chef with Andi Van Willigan and James Avery returning as sous chefs for both their respective kitchens as well as ...
Bennie是一家快餐店的老板,因为抢劫珠宝店未遂坐了5年牢。出狱后,养父Mast命不久已的消息对他无异于晴天霹雳,养父的亲生子Koen也在此时出现,Koen是个沉迷女色的疯子却爱上了有自杀倾向的Katia。 因为Katia的出现,Bennie和Keon迫切的需要弄一笔钱为Mast作肝脏移植手术。一场完全失控的银行劫案和一场被设计得赌...
谁都有过年少轻狂的时期,但杨(帕尔·斯维尔·瓦海姆·哈根 Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen 饰)在这段时期中却犯下了无法挽回的过错——他的过失导致了一名8岁男孩的死亡和一个家庭的破裂,为此,杨承担了八年的牢狱之灾。 八年时间匆匆流逝,杨早已长大成为了一个性格阴郁的青年人,由于在狱中展露出了过人的音乐天赋,出狱...
祸害无辜的 骑士卷土重来,被死亡所诅咒变成丧尸的他们在几百年间每七年便找一名年轻美貌的女子做祭品,然后献给邪神。哈瑞博士和他的女友冒死调查此事,却遭到了城堡附近村民的阻拦。但当他们不顾一切救下一个祭品女孩后,事情发生了意想不到的转折,丧尸们开始在村庄里展开屠杀……
When a brilliant but obsessive scientist goes to extremes to develop a universal cure for all disease, he finds himself infected with a bizarre parasite that begins to transform him into a bloodthirsty madman. Time running out, he must find a way to stop the monster that is growing within and...
1999年,澳洲布鲁姆。澳洲男青年班恩(内森·菲利普斯 Nathan Phillips 饰)与两名英国女孩克莉斯(凯斯蒂·莫拉希 Kestie Morassi 饰)和莉兹(卡桑德拉·玛格拉斯 Cassandra Magrath 饰)驱车前往狼溪国家公园游玩。经过两天的旅程,汽车穿过荒凉的澳洲无人区终于到达了目的地。巨大的陨石坑带...
Summering on Cape Cod in 1985, precocious young Lily befriends an enigmatic girl her age named Mesa. Through their shared time biking the quaint land and exploring the depths of their true selves, they unearth powerful feelings for each other.