根据安东.契诃夫同名小说改编。讲述了贫民姑娘安娜嫁入上流社会后的生活经历。 值得关注的是,著名歌舞表演艺术家Aleksandr Vertinsky在其中饰演配角--公爵大人。 该片有中文译制版本。
艾莉莎·米兰诺扮演Patty Montanari,是一位住在布鲁克林区的非常坚强的寡妇和母亲。她为当地的一个犯罪家族工作,很快他就和已婚的犯罪集团的首领(杰森葛德利扮演,曾出演《绝望主妇》)纠缠在一起了.但是随着Patty在组织的地位越来越高后,她发现自己已经泥足身陷于充满偏执,背叛和谋杀的境地了。挣扎于联邦调查...
A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falc?o, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the &quo...
'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran and with an international cast and crew, 'Ramanujan' is a ...
Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs, the more she becomes convinced that she is being hunted by something ancient.