尤Kahdem是一个男人谁几乎已经放弃了生命,判处低设防监狱农场,完全不具威胁性的环境,但仍然觉得有些人是可以改造的。在韩元WRON,办案员马特·佩里已经建立了一个独特的方案,通过让他们受伤的猛禽康复有责任修复破碎的男人 - 美丽的,可怕的骄傲鹰,隼和猫头鹰。排除万难,马特发生在尤他的头号测试案例...
在一个月圆之夜,小女孩Najan (Taya Rogers 饰) 像是中了魔咒一样离开Kamphaeng 的庇护去寻找一个老虎洞穴,然而却在这个洞穴中,她差点惨遭一个老虎人的毒害而死。幸运的是,猎人 Kamsoon (Somchai Khamklad 饰) 和Najan 的父亲 Jarat (Oliver Pupart 饰) 及时地救了她。老虎人濒临死亡之时,已然充满了狂野愤怒。...
After the suicide of her only friend, Rachel has never felt more on the outside. The one person who reached out to her, Jessie, also happens to be part of the popular crowd that lives to torment outsiders like her. But Rachel has something else that separates her from the rest, a secret amazi...
In a continuation of the story line from the 2010 film, Jennifer returns working for a Crisis Hotline, where a serial killer is using the hotline to target rapists. Jennifers dark past sends detectives in her direction, but is she the killer they are looking for?