Police detective Joe Warner investigates the shooting of womanizing composer Keith Vincent. Evidence...
A group of young offenders are delivered to an island for a week of character building exercises after one of their fellow inmates commits suicide.. It all goes horribly wrong when they realise that there′s someone else on the island who has a pack of dogs and a crossbowwith which to hunt the...
A group of friends discover an ancient coffin equipped with a strange mechanism that allows them to experience the world as a ghost. While their first attempt into the spirit world is innocent, the coffin soon brings out their most dangerous impulses and desires. As they are being pulled into...
爱情...不会总是像小说那样以婚姻作为美满的结局。实际上,爱是每对情侣的开端...而背后有很多故事。例如Parit,一个没有品位又非常循规蹈矩的博士,坠入爱河,和漂亮的Pantaree结婚。Pantaree是国内最大的内衣公司所有者的孙女。 婚姻生活不会一路平坦。相反,他不得不面对Pan...taree的亲戚们所设置的重重障碍。像...