Dawid, Vanessa and Ludwig are the finalists at a pitch-competition for a movie about the German Rap phenomenon CRO. As the three youngsters work out their extraordinary film ideas, they must fight through unexpected personal challenges.
本片讲述Kristoffer Polaha饰演的棒球运动员因为个人问题,遗憾地结束了职业生涯。沮丧的他意外结识了在当地杂货店工作的小伙儿。慢慢的,他与这位患有唐氏综合症但乐观善良的打工仔成为朋友,并在他的帮助下,日渐走出人生低谷。
What do you do when the party of the year kicks you to the curb? Simple... create your own! When Sean (Franz Drameh, Attack the Block) and his friends are refused entry to the night of ...
The BBC today announced the commission of Civilisations, a major new ten-part series telling the story of art from the dawn of human history to the present day, for the first time on a global scale.It is now nearly half a century since Kenneth Clark’s series Civilisation thrilled audiences wi...
该剧根据资深科幻编剧Joseph Mallozzi和Paul Mullie(《星际之门》系列剧集的创作)的同名图画小说改编,一艘被遗弃的太空飞船的六个船员们从冬眠状态中醒来。他们不记得自己是谁,也不记得是如何上船的。唯一的线索是装满武器的货舱以及一个目的地:即将被战火蔓延的外星殖民。旅途危机重重,还伴随着复仇、背叛与...
该剧是澳大利亚plus7出品的古典剧,该剧故事背景为1953年二战刚刚结束后不久,战争的余烬依然给人们带来灼痛,优雅神秘的护士Sarah Adams在得知哥哥离世的消息后决定返回故乡照料沉浸在悲痛中的母亲。 在返乡的轮船上结识了上流社会的 Bligh家族,因其独特的魅力获得了 George Bligh(家族负责人)的倾慕并无意中阻...