近出镜繁多的Idris Elba(Tyler Perrys Daddys Little Girls (2007) The Reaping (2007) 28 Weeks Later (2007) )成为了本片中家庭的一名成员;两个资深的老演员Regina King和 Loretta Devine饰演了片中的两名家长,正是歌坛风头浪尖的新生代Chris Brown也加盟本片,扮演一名身藏不露的歌手;已经快成为黑人街舞片代...
他们早晨上班争抢一个座位后,莎莉和卡尔开始聊天,突然他们日常的火车之旅变得更有趣。卡尔是婚姻美满,Sally的参与 - 哪来的危害?然而,他们发现自己越来越多地吸引到对方,因为他们的友谊成长为逢场作戏,他们拒绝承认 - 对方还是自己 - 这一条线可能被越过。发现的后果将是改变人生的,灾难性的可能,但他们不...
Dave"s a petty criminal living on drugs and violence in London. When his actions kill his best friend, he"s propelled into feelings of shame and remorse. Discovering Islam, he begins to find peace but his old life comes back to test him.
美加(CBC及Netflix)合拍的《#清秀佳人# Anne》(在Netflix名称为《Anne With An E》)被两方同时续订第二季,而且第二季将增加集数至10集,秋季开机拍摄的新季预定18年播出。
The British ambassador to Tazbekistan is tasked with securing a £2 billion helicopter contract for the UK. Things begin badly when Davis accidentally shoots an Ibex, the national animal, while on a hunting trip with the president - and are further jeopardized when an arrogant young British h...