A group of friends discover an ancient coffin equipped with a strange mechanism that allows them to experience the world as a ghost. While their first attempt into the spirit world is innocent, the coffin soon brings out their most dangerous impulses and desires. As they are being pulled into...
Mattie Carvers world is turning curiouser and curiouser, as space and time seem to be collapsing all around her. Joined by a misfit team of friends, teachers, and two mysterious men in black, Mattie is in a race to restore her world to nor...
Kathryn Vale (Lena Olin) is a reclusive ex-movie star with a dark secret and a daughter hoping to follow in her mother"s movie-star footsteps. When Kathryn attempts to make a career comeback, she is threatened by an anonymous blackmailer. The resulting events force Kathryn to confront the tru...