From a torturous cell in Africa, Abel Powell is released and given the chance to regroup his team of skilled mercenaries for one last job. A top scientist will guide them half a mile underground through an ex-Soviet bunker to extract the vital specimens and information being paid for by a mys...
最完美的谢幕,他将走下人生的舞台。 Sol Tryon执导黑色喜剧。自视甚高的艺术家Binew决定在临死的时刻,请来好友Mills帮他纪录下人生最后的几个小时,Mills是个默默无名的诗人和自传作家,接下Binew的请托,骑着三轮车载着他绕着城镇前行,直到天色逐渐黯淡下来,Binew才掏出邀请卡交给Mills,请他来参加自己的&ld...
Lucas Simons, an 11 year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence in one of his films, he inadvertently becomes a YouTube phenomenon, and must learn to live life in the spotlight while also learning how to once...
Death By Audio, an underground venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction workers and a one billion-dollar company.
故事以两个小男孩的童年时期开始。布莱恩(布拉迪?科贝特 Brady Corbet 饰)八岁时被球队教练强奸并且从此留下了挥之不去的心理阴影,这成了他心中永远的梦靥。而另外一位男孩尼尔(约瑟夫?高登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)八岁时被教练带回家诱奸,教练扭曲了尼尔的认知,这对尼尔的影响是从此让他沉溺于这样...
2012年9月19日,全世界数一数二的自行车展INTER BIKE在美国的拉斯维加斯开幕。而一场酝酿已久的风暴在拉斯维加斯著名酒店The Palms Hotel附属的The Pearl Theatre影院爆发。在这个全世界山地车车迷的盛大日子,堪称自行车电影史上最大投资的电影《Where the trail ends》在这里举办了首映礼! 2012红牛山地史诗大片...
1965年,印尼政府被军政府推翻,那些反对军事独裁的人都被认定为“共产党人”,并遭遇了血腥屠杀,一年之内,就有超过100万“共产党人”丧命,其中就包括农民还有一些当地的华人。本片的主角Anwar Congo和他的朋友们就参与了当年的屠杀活动,他如今是印尼最大的准军事组织Pemuda Pancasila的元...