A man notices his next door neighbors are very strange. They can remove their heads! The family’s scary secret comes out and they become famous.
以天真的儿童眼光,对比成年人压抑的行为脱序,进而反映越南传统家庭社会存在的问题;想像大小只的金鱼活在一个小小的鱼缸当中,由於生活的 空间被局限,以至於不能查觉自己的欲望被压抑的状态。剧情内容便隐喻着越南社会的框限,用一个全知的角度观看家中各成员角色的行为。欲望充斥在生活的每个 小细节当中,或多或...
廖祥贵(廖启智 饰)当年曾经在《上海滩》中出演一个角色,但无奈时过境迁,观众早已将他淡忘,而多年辛苦的演艺生涯,造成妻子离他而去;女儿琪琪(薛凯琪 饰)从小就没有得到他足够的关爱照顾,导致成年后与祥贵关系疏远。祥贵不能如愿得到主角位置,索性离开电影圈,在一家便利店工作,可他并没有忘记机会是给有...
A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung d...
本片讲述了,在30年代的美国,一个谋杀儿童的连环杀手Albert Fish的故事。 A solid thriller about Albert Fish (a very fine performance by Patrick Bauchau), the real life serial killer of children in 1930's America. Fish seemed a harmless old man, but in 1934 he was arrested as the murderer of seve...