吉兹和奥夫是一对颇让人羡慕的情侣。不过奥夫身材高大,容貌虽佳,却是个彻头彻尾的花花公子。他与女孩英在电影院约会,结果正被吉兹看在眼里。事后奥夫向女友赌咒发誓,说对英绝对没有感情,致令听到这一话语的英伤心欲绝,万念俱灰,最终从摩天大厦的顶层跳下,一命归西。 奥夫的赌咒并未赢回吉兹的心,在闺蜜的帮...
Manny has moved to a new school, and its not easy to fit in. After wishing he had more friends, Manny finds a mysterious collar and puts it on Rufus, the family dog. Suddenly, Rufus turns into a boy! Mannys not sure what to do, so he enrolls Rufus in school. When the other students notice Ruf...