云(Rattanabalang Toesawad 饰)是个冷酷无情的杀手,除了妈妈与唯一的弟弟雾以杀人为目标过日子的他,从没奢望过任何感情,也从来没爱过谁。他的暗杀目标石(Chaiwat Thongsang 饰)是一个富有又英俊的警察,生活舒适还有个美丽的女朋友,看似美满的生活仍让他觉得生命中好像缺了一样很重要的东西。本来该杀了石的云,...
泰国制作公司 贝蒂是一名颜值与智商成反比的女孩,她在经济管理方面能力出众,但却因为丑在找工作时屡屡碰壁,在最后关头她终于应聘上了POSH进口公司。这家公司的大少达奈是一名花花公子,剧中他需要通过取得一番成就而向父亲证明自己的实力,与此同时,另一位大股东的代管理者也对公司的掌控跃跃欲试。贝蒂不知道的...
From FOX, the creators of American Idol and the producers of American Bandstand and The American Music Awards comes So You Think You Can Dance. In its sophomore season, this show is offering the winner a one year contract for Celine Dions Vegas show, a brand new car and $100K cash. Contestant...
与以往相比,本季最重大的变化是一直作为SVU法律支援的中坚力量,由Stephanie March扮演的助理地区检察官Alexandra Cabot在工作中遇到了前所未有的巨大挑战,不得不退出了SVU,接替她的是Casey Novak,由曾经在第三季中客串的Diane Neal扮演,从而完成了SVU至今最近的一次角色变动。究竟Alex遇到了怎样的危机?她离...
In 2262, Earthforce Captain Elizabeth Lochley is appointed to command Babylon 5. The station grows in its role as a sanctuary for rogue telepaths running from the Psi Corps, resulting in conflict. GKar, former Narn ambassador to Babylon 5, becomes unwillingly a spiritual icon after a book is ...