A comic tale of three would-be entrepreneurs who set out to invent a rocket belt. The clash of their mismatched personalities soon dissolves the business into a morass of recriminations and retaliations, kidnapping, and murder in this parable of American dreams and delusions.
胖女郎珊因体型肥胖加上动作迟缓, 打工屡次被辞退, 影响她做人消极, 缺乏自信心. 珊认识另一身躯肥胖的麦包, 他的性格却甚为乐观, 时常鼓励珊, 并且因为他积极和乐天的个性, 使珊父去除顽固, 与子女关系改善. 珊与麦在一商场当便衣保安, 追查炸弹勒索事, 先是乌龙百出, 正当面临被辞退时, 二人发现线索, 施展浑身解...
Ten years ago, Ginny (Toni Gonzaga), an Architecture student, and Marco (Piolo Pascual), a History professor, began a one-of-a-kind and unpredictable love story. In the five years that they were together, they brought out the best in each other, which included Marcos unrealized dream of becom...
A Swedish princess boards an ocean liner in Europe en route to an acting career in America, and finds herself getting inconveniently attached to a ban dleader returning home. To complicate matters, a blackmailer on board apparently knows she is no
钟秀、钟星两兄弟和他们的母亲一起住在北韩贫穷的小村庄裡。钟秀个性开朗又有点小大人,他梦想着有天能去平壤,但是后来得知,就算在校表现优异,长相平庸的小孩还是不能去平壤,他觉得非常失望。 就在这个时候,好运降临了,钟秀捡到圣诞节南韩释放的空飘汽球。学校的小朋友看到钟秀手上拿着圣诞老人的衣服和机器人...