1917年春。二月革命改变了俄国的生活和第一次世界大战的进程。俄国皇帝退位。与德国的战争持续了不止一年。布尔什维克在战壕中进行宣传,并呼吁与敌军讲和。没有“士兵委员会”的批准,俄国军官们无权作出任何决定。军队处在最终解散的边缘。 为了提高士气,按临时政府的命令,组建了玛丽娅•博奇卡廖娃指挥下的女子“敢...
In the 13th century there existed a legion of evil knights known as the Templars, who quested for eternal life by drinking human blood and committing sacrifices. Executed for their unholy deeds, the Templars bodies were left out for the crows to peck out their eyes. Now, in modern day Portuga...
Alia decides to leave Bangkok and return to Jakarta once after her parents died. She and Abel, her teenage sister, moved into their childhood home away from the city. But Abel, who was often strange and frightened, disliked the house. He said there was something else besides them. Alia and Da...
A shocking assault inspires horrific violence when a group of teens encounters a girl from their school while camping in a remote spot.