Neal Brennan为Netflix录的单口现场,这场不能用丧来形容了,而是悲痛和沉重占了很大篇幅,三个麦克风简单明了,一个说短笑话,一句话逗笑你;一个说肺腑之言,主要是Neal糟糕的家庭和父子关系还有他身患抑郁症数十年的故事,孩童时压抑感情,长大了身患抑郁,到最后都无法跟父亲和解,虽然他一直很平静的讲述,但这...
When Faye Banks secretly enters a competition to win a seat on the first manned mission to Mars, she never expects to win. But when the dangerous one way trip becomes a reality, her life on Earth is turned upside down. With time running out, Faye must d