Toni Musulin has worked as a security guard on an armored truck for 10 years. One day, with 11.6 million Euros on board, he drives off without his two colleagues, committing the "heist of the century". Having spent one year planning his robbery, he takes advantage of the flaws in th...
四个女人分别嫁给了四兄弟。一个夏天在等待丈夫回家休假的过程中,四人分别述说了各自的婚姻状况。一个因自己红杏出墙引致与丈夫争吵,一个在巴黎与一个艺术家相恋并有了孩子但却拒绝结婚,一个讲述了夫妻俩被困电梯的故事,最后一个则要与情人男友私奔。 伯格曼用室内剧的形式将女人们内心的秘密一一暴露出来,然...
2010年11月11日,在美国某个农场内,农场主霍伊特·米勒(Jon Gries 饰)的儿子科迪(Nash Lucas 饰)迎来了快乐的八岁生日。谁知刚才还在摄像机前玩耍的男孩,一道蓝光过后竟然凭空消失,下落不明。霍伊特一度为此吃上官司,饱受争议。而美国政府也注意到这一离奇事件,因此于2011年拍出一支调查组前往米勒农场。该...
To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into modern day America. When Merlin comes back ten years later to retrieve him, he finds a hip 15 year-old Arthur who does not believe Merlin, nor doe
Successful businessman Jake takes his pregnant girlfriend Lindsey on a babymoon trip to an upscale desert resort. When they get there, Lindsey discovers that Jake's meddlesome soon to be ex-wife, Gwen is there too. In a dream vacation gone wrong, it becomes apparent that someone is deter...
In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car. Mysteriously, the District Attorney and his car come back to life as a single being with a thirst for vengeance. The eer...
A hotshot young author becomes the pastor of a small town church with big dreams of changing the world. When the elders express that his quiet new neighbor is a lost cause, he makes it his personal mission to prove them wrong by getting him inside the church doors. However, when he begins to ...
在距地球数百万光年的某星球上,这里的高级生命体彼此间似乎只有仇恨和战争,随着战火蔓延和死亡的增加,他们终于走向灭亡边缘。为了拯救本民族,这些外星人派出使者前往地球,向人类学习他们所不曾拥有的情感——爱。 使者来到地球,进入乌拉(Paprika Steen 饰)的身体,并以代课老师的身份进入一所小学的六年B班任...