An elaborate Hollywood retelling of the Bible stories narrated by the films director John Huston. We open with the Creation of the World and arrive at the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve (Michael Parks and Ulla Bergryd) and continue on to Cain (Richard Harris) and the murder of Abel (Franco ...
伊斯坦布尔受到政治暴力的控制。 Hamza, 是一名高级政治官员,他从监狱里释放了 Kadir,条件是Kadir要在垃圾收集器的新情报单位工作。Kadir 答应了,开始从贫民窟收集垃圾,并检查它是否包含制造炸弹的材料。可Kadir 发现他的弟弟Ahmet身在其中,Ahm et 在市政当局工作,并负责一件清除流浪汉的行动……
A shocking assault inspires horrific violence when a group of teens encounters a girl from their school while camping in a remote spot.