A cop (Roberts) tries to bust a gang of teenage gun dealers. In the process he catches only one and tries to charge him with a number of offences but fails since the gang member is underage. One by one the youth's friends start turning up dead. It is up to Dylan (Roberts), and his partne...
Al Percolo is a major league baseball scout sent to scout in Mexico as a punishment. However, he eventually stumbles across Steve Nebraska, a young American who can pitch AND hit better than anyone else can do either. He signs Steve and returns home in glory. It soon becomes obvious, though, ...
Das emotionsgeladene Familienepos erz?hlt die Geschichte von Adi und Rudi Dassler, die als Pioniere ihrer Zeit gemeinsam einer unternehmerischen Vision folgen und aus dem kleinen bayerischen Herzogenaurach zu Deutschlands ambitioniertesten Sportschuhfabrikanten aufsteigen. Doch der detailvers...
兩名導演Laurent Courtiand及Julien Carbon是編劇出身,劇本包括杜琪峰執導的港片《暗戰》。這是一部帶有恐怖色彩、然後還牽涉到跨國珠寶搶劫的電影,吳家麗飾演一名美貌與智慧並重的女人,但卻以殺人及吸毒來滿足自己。日本AV女優雨宮琴音似乎沒有脫衣服,據她自己表示,她飾演的角色是在電影一開始就被殺死的日本...