当警察们面对一宗发展迅速的案件, 他们让一个年轻,独立而具备神秘力量的警察约法纳来负责此案。他与诱人的邓娜合作来搜捕残酷和致命的\' 五枚子弹帮\' 。他们老大是可怕的马萨, 他和约法纳一样,也是魔法高手。马萨只会被被猛虎魔剑击败, 那是一把充满自然力量, 和美善力量的上古魔法剑。在匪盗捣乱城市之...
1910年,有“音乐暴君”之称的马勒,发现心爱的太太红杏出墙,第三者竟然是Bauhaus创办人兼建筑师Walter Gropius。受尽情变折磨的马勒,远走荷兰找来正在度假的弗洛伊德尽诉心声。起初不愿意接受心理治疗的马勒,无奈坐上弗洛伊德的病人床,回忆起跟年轻19岁的太太Aima的相遇情形:两人火速热恋,互相欣赏。但婚后的马...
Dead On Site is the story of a group of media arts majors who decide as a final project to take over a vacant house where a yakubd.ccfamily had been wiped out a year before. They plan to re-enact the murders and web-cast them on a site while they search for clues to the killer.
A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.