A lonely, striking older woman and a shy young student who delivers flowers as a part-time job are attracted to each other in this engaging story. It is the mid-1960s and Hermann (Torstein H?lmebakk) buys Beatles records like everyone else, he also indulges in an erotic magazine or two to sa...
这是一个漫长的夜晚,在充斥着同性恋亚文化的洛杉矶。Daisy 和Tyler 是摇滚乐手,她们的乐队入选了具有丰厚奖励的乐队大赛。不过,虽然在他们去比赛现场的路上,他们的车坏了,于是他们求助于Daisy 的妹妹 Colby,一个刚毕业的大学生。 Colby答应开车载他们去演唱场地,如果他们能帮她搭讪上自己暗恋着的女孩,一位...
Laney Brooks does bad things. Married with kids, she takes the drugs she wants, sleeps with the men she wants, disappears when she wants. Now, with the destruction of her family looming, and temptation everywhere, Laney makes one last desperate attempt at redemption.
Upon the unexpected death of his father, Daniel Rimsdale leaves medical school and returns home to the Chippewa Valley to try to salvage the floundering family lumber business and save his family from financial ruin. However, he meets heavy resistance from an old friend of his fathers, Silas ...
安德烈(阿列克塞·古斯科夫 Aleksei Guskov 饰)被盛赞为音乐天才,曾经当过俄国最伟大的交响乐团“波修瓦”的著名的乐队指挥。但因拒绝驱逐乐团里的犹太乐手,包括他最好的朋友——沙查(迪米特里·纳扎罗夫 Dmitri Nazarov 饰)而被解雇,染上了酗酒的毛病。“波修瓦”现在的经理为了愚弄和羞辱安德烈,让他留在乐团当清...
影片《夏伯阳》根据富尔曼诺夫的同名小说改编,前苏联列宁格勒电影制片厂1934年出品。 片中塑造了夏伯阳这位苏联国内战争中传奇式的英雄人物。该片是苏联电影史上的杰作,人物形象鲜明,语言性格化,片中“精神战”一场,堪称场面蒙太奇的典范。 影片荣获1941年斯大林奖金,在1978年评选的国际电影诞生...
4/24开始每晚播出《帝一之国》真人电影的衍生剧,以帝一身边的野村周平、竹内凉真、间宫祥太朗、志尊淳 、千叶雄大五人为主角,每天一集,每集表现一位人物的小故事。菅田将晖将在竹内凉真那集中客串出演。
Idris Elba stars in BBC Three’s five by five, a series of short films from new writers, featuring new and established on-screen talent working side by side. Set in London, the five standalone films feature chance encounters between characters which question identity and change perceptions. Fi...
Kaitlin Olson是女主角,扮演Mackenzie “Mickey” Murphy,生活潦倒、说话粗鲁、烟不离手的女人。因为她那富得流油的妹妹为了逃避联邦起诉而逃离了美国, 只好搬到康涅狄格州的格林威治,去照顾妹妹那些已宠坏的孩子。她很快知道一件众人皆知的事:别人家的就是熊孩子。 Sofia Black D’Elia 扮演Sabrina,Mickey照顾...