科幻重口喜剧《紧要关头(Crunch Time)》的故事从四个研究生不小心打开一个可以导致世界末日的黑洞开始。一群废柴极客在学校的实验室里鲁莽地处理最尖端的人脑入侵科技,而不小心制造了一个有可能粉碎地球的黑洞,他们的所作所为引起了政府工作人员的注意。由于他们自己无法找出实验到底哪里出了问题,所以必须与政府...
A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich.
Two retired bank robbers agree to one last job. A face from their past steals their proceeds and divides the cash into 7 Cases.... each one is left with someone they know. If they take a case, the victim dies... if they don"t get there in time... the victim dies.... if they tamper with the t...
WGN America制作的剧集《Outsiders》将与1月26日首播,本剧讲述了一个不与外界来往的生活在阿拉巴契亚山脉的一个家庭的故事,由David Morse、Thomas M. Wright、Ryan Hurst、Joe Anderson、Gillian Alexy、Kyle Gallner、Christina Jackson、Francie Swift和Phyllis Somerville领衔主演。剧集讲述了这个生活在极其偏...
当安娜的女儿乔伊去错过,它的假设是坏养育的结果 - 但是黑暗势力被怀疑时,每一个孩子在城里也消失了。孩子恢复,但显示恶灵附身的迹象,并继续攻击镇。强制发动猛烈的竞选反对孩子们,乡民去血腥横冲直撞,但安娜拒绝相信她的女儿失去了魔鬼,并会尽一切努力挽救她从妖里。
Rachel| a female war veteran returns home only to launch her own personal vendetta against the criminal underworld when a family member mysteriously dies. Theunderworld kingpin rules with an iron fist and those below her are terrified when her name is even mentioned. In order to get closer to...