The story follows Caretta "Cara" Rutledge, a woman whos tried to move beyond a difficult past but is forced to grapple with history head-on when she returns to fix the family beach house. During one devastating storm, Cara and her mother save hundreds of sea turtles from certain death and lea...
Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed, "The Wolfpack," the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films using elaborate homemade props and c...
印度卫星Mihira正在与国际太空中心发生碰撞,这可能引发连锁反应并导致全球通信停电。这取决于来自印度的宇航员队伍,以防止这种情况,电影是关于他们的斗争以及他们如何战胜他们。主角Varun Tej扮演了一个关键角色,他必须从一个自我放逐的流亡中恢复,以使这项任务成为可能,同时还有一些关于他真实动机的问题。
德克斯特的实验室是cartoonnetwork工作室从1996年开始制作的卡通剧集。代表着美国电视动画复兴时代的开始。80年代美国动画和美国经济一起走向了低谷,以Hanna Barbera(制作猫和老鼠的那家公司)为首的老牌电视动画公司相继出现大规模的人才流失,动画的产出率快速下降,电视动画市场被“玩具动画”和日本的舶来品完全...