Reveals the events behind Kurt Cobain"s death as seen through the eyes of Tom Grant, the private investigator that was hired by Courtney Love in 1994 to track down her missing husband (Kurt Cobain) only days before his deceased body was found at their Seattle home. Cobain"s death was ruled a ...
请跟随我们走进"狂野法国"这个迷人的崭新野生节目, 观测欧洲典型的生态系统。从大西洋海滨到地中海海湾,从河口狂野河流到沼泽湿地;从高山密林到篱围农田郊区农村;探索这个美丽国度的壮观大自然。
An inner-city kid goes to college in hopes of becoming a neurosurgeon one day.
记录了曾经轰动一时的好莱坞大淫媒海蒂·弗烈丝(Heidi Fleiss)的性交易事件。著名女星妮可基曼即将主演根据此事件改编的电影版本.当年这起牵涉性、金钱及明星的社会新闻彷佛电影情节,许多好莱坞大牌明星的黑暗面将通通曝光。影片着重描写关于这个三十七岁年轻女子从身为医师女儿到摇身一变成为好莱坞淫媒的“崛起与失...
When a brilliant but obsessive scientist goes to extremes to develop a universal cure for all disease, he finds himself infected with a bizarre parasite that begins to transform him into a bloodthirsty madman. Time running out, he must find a way to stop the monster that is growing within and...