At the beginning of 2259, Captain John Sheridan replaces Sinclair as the military governor of the station. He and the command staff learn that the death of President Santiago was actually an assassination masterminded by Vice President Clark (who assumed the Presidency upon Santiagos death). ...
The crew of Babylon 5 discover an ancient artifact floating in hyperspace.
The Psi Corps and President Clark, whose government has discovered Shadow vessels buried in Earths solar system, begin to harness the vessels advanced technology. The Clark administration continues to become increasingly xenophobic and totalitarian, and uses a military incident as an excuse t...
15世紀初意大利南部的Puglia,年輕的修女Flavia Gaetani對宗教統治下婦女的不平等待遇質疑教會,可卻沒有得到回應。性壓抑、宗教壓迫使她透不過氣,一次機會,她和猶太人朋友Abraham逃離了修道院,不幸的是,沒多久就被神父的士兵捕獲,受到鞭刑,Abraham則被關進地牢。在穆斯林軍隊侵占意大利期間,Flavia成了穆...
In 2262, Earthforce Captain Elizabeth Lochley is appointed to command Babylon 5. The station grows in its role as a sanctuary for rogue telepaths running from the Psi Corps, resulting in conflict. GKar, former Narn ambassador to Babylon 5, becomes unwillingly a spiritual icon after a book is ...