Ray 'Harley' Davidson is a hustler. With flash clothes and a fast mouth, Harley lives life in the fast lane. With his passion for all things gambling, money runs like water through Harley's hands and as quickly as he makes a killing he takes a beating,
A Mexican-American couple expecting their first child relocate to a migrant farming community in 1970's California. When the wife begins to experience strange symptoms and terrifying visions, she tries to determine if it's related to a legendary curse o
罗谢尔刚从大学毕业,她的父亲-北半球第三富有、也是美国最大的军火商之一亨德森?维斯要为她举办一个小型的生日派对。派对将在三万八千英尺的高空举行,终点将是大家梦寐以求的澳大利亚。 空军飞行员约翰?基斯因为一次飞机迫降事件正在接受两个月的疑点调查。应亨德森。维斯的要求,麦克伦将军派约翰。基斯跟随亨德...
1587年,一百多名英国人远渡重洋来到美洲罗阿诺克岛,准备搜刮当地土著,在此建立殖民地。然而他们却发现先期到来的人马全部离奇死亡。尚未容这群男女从旅途中的疲惫中解脱,恐怖便随之而来,一些人开始失去踪影。 殖民者长官约翰•怀特(Alex McArthur 饰)即将返回英国报告这里的情况,临行前他任命女婿安德诺斯(A...