如果说《五十度灰》是满足普通女性对于“霸道总裁”的幻想,那么Showtime出品的六集迷你剧《伏从》(Submission)则是更加针对BDSM爱好者。该剧于(美国时间)5月12日11点首播,将挖掘BDSM的世界。该剧以年轻女性Ashley 的视角,讲述她在室友推荐下,拜读了一位色情小说家Nolan Keats的小说《奴仆》(Slave)。此后就...
Cuffs is a fresh, authentic and visceral drama that will take the audience on an exhilarating ride through the challenges of front-line policing. Adrenalized and vibrant, the show is packed full of dramatic incidents and colourful characters. From a booby trapped cannabis farm in a suburban s...
A group of friends move into a vacation home with a sinister past in Fall River, Massachusetts. Suspicious of the home"s owner, Taryn feels a strong connection to the house and finds herself at the center of one of the most deadly poltergeists in American history.
在海上航行多年,两个水手返回自己的家园。然而等候他们的不是一个新开始,而是即将发生的巨大灾难:一个水坝,始建于100多年前的英国殖民统治时期,潜在的崩塌威胁即将打破。显然,这场灾难并不是不可避免的…… 故事围绕电影中的中心建筑:一座英国于殖民时期在印度修建的拥有百年历史的大坝进行。如“ 大坝”一般,电...
[ IMPACT 20140801-Destination X 2014 ] TNA世界双打冠军赛The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) vs. The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)TNA X组别致命三重威胁赛DJ Z vs. Low Ki vs. ManikTNA X组别致命三重威胁赛Homicide vs. Samoa Joe vs. Tigre UnoTNA世界重量级冠军赛Lashley vs. Austin Aries