A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of her recently murdered psychologist (and lover), so for some reason she goes to a resort where the psychologist liked to hang out and becomes involved with a gangster (Adolf Celli) and the strange female resort owner (Alida V...
Two teenage boys cycle 160km on stolen bikes pursued by police to find a missing bale of cocaine worth 7 million euro. Set around the real event of Irelands biggest cocaine seizure in 2007 of 440 million euro.
粘土动画定格大作。以马克吐温与哈雷彗星的因缘为基点,讲述马克吐温与几位童鞋乘坐飞艇访问彗星的奇妙冒险。其中穿插了马克吐温若干作品的动画戏说:The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Mysterious StrangerThe Damned Human RaceThe Diary of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)Captain Stormfield’s Visit to H...
一位来自英国伦敦的老妇人艾米·威尔金森(Carole Trangmar-Palmer饰),在她弥留之际,她想到Chennai(印度东部一个港口城市名)寻找一个名叫伊拉姆· 帕瑞希(阿利亚饰)的年轻男子。她最后一次见到他的时候是在1947年8月15日,当时她退回了伊拉姆母亲的塔利项链。这条项链本来是伊拉姆给她的一个信物 ,告诉艾米她...