一个大航展的前几个星期,一个年轻的SU-27战斗机准备一个骑士的飞机竞争。 但战斗机忘记时,爱上了迷人的光芒飞机雷电,不知道它是一个真正的残忍和邪恶的助理给雷霆战机类。 年轻的SU-27必须设法消灭的邪恶计划的迅雷,最重要的是赢得了骑士航展。
Working from Naomi Oreske and Erik Conway’s acclaimed book, Robert Kenner (FOOD INC.) crafts an entertaining and thoughtful investigation of an acute problem: the pro-industry science deniers. From the advocates of nuclear deterrence, to the peddling of pseudo-science by cigarette manufacture...
暖鲜明的原始绘画色彩,冷静的幽默感加上一点禅意,造就了叽哩咕,这个还在母腹里就开口问妈妈:“把我生出来好吗?”的小家伙。 叽哩咕从娘胎里蹦出来,自我介绍:“我叫叽哩咕”,自助切断脐带洗好澡,立刻向世界丢出大串问题,爸爸呢?被女巫吃掉了,女巫为何那么凶?不知道,你得自己去找答案。祖父说 ,所有的问题...
Carlos writes crime novels but since the death of his wife he has been suffering from writers block. When his publishing company sends an assistant at his house to help him overcome this difficulty, Carlos believes he might have another shot at love. Terrified by the idea that this new opport...
his is a story of a youth culture that changed a generation and influenced songwriters, producers, DJs and designers for decades to come. This is the story of Northern Soul. Award-winning director Elaine Constantine has recently completed filming her first feature-length film Northern Soul, w...
By inventively merging mind-bending science fiction with dark comedy, COUNTER CLOCKWISE delivers a hugely entertaining thriller about a befuddled time traveling scientist caught up in a murder mystery. Bearded scientist Ethan Walker is obsessively working on inventing a tele-transportation de...