It's 1998 and over the course of one 12 Hour Shift at an Arkansas Hospital, A Junkie Nurse (Angela Bettis), Her Scheming Cousin (Chloe Farnworth) and a group of black market Organ-Trading criminals (Mick Foley, David Arquette, Dusty Warren) start a heist that could lead to all of their d...
简介:Baan Choek Dee是一个偏远郊区的大型独立出租屋。房子的主要支柱是由一棵柚木树制成的,柚木树被一个女神附身。几乎每个家庭通常都有一个。用来建造它的木头也有一个幽灵。每一块木头的奥秘或来历,都在诉说着这所房子所涉及到的各种人的生活故事。
12岁小男孩弗兰克·惠勒(Michael Patrick Carter 迈克尔·帕特里克·卡特 饰)正值青春期,情窦初开。弗兰克和几个小伙伴把卖牛奶的钱凑在一起,打算将这笔积蓄去城里好好奢侈一回,看一场成人脱衣舞表演。然而事情并非像他们想象得那么简单,中途,他们遭到袭击,不仅积蓄被一抢而空,连单车也被偷了。弗兰克就在如...
A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city.