A fast-paced, dark dramedy following six lovable degenerates, their terrible choices, often hilarious and tragic consequences, and unexpectedly interwoven lives. 一个快节奏的、黑暗的dramedy以下六个可爱的堕落,可怕的选择,往往热闹和悲剧性的后果,并意外地交织在一起的生活。
FOX迄今为止最成功的电视连续剧。该剧最初是The Tracey Ullman Show的副产品,作为它的一分钟补白。 The Tracy Ullman Show的执行制片人,James L. Brooks 和 Sam Simon觉得这些人物可以做成一个半小时的电视剧,于是他们立刻动手,开始了这部在电视台黄金时间段,历时最久的卡通系列剧。 辛普森一家的频繁出场,让...
The story of Allan "Swampy" Marsh and his Maremma dog Oddball. Swampy convinced local authorities to allow Oddball to protect a colony of Little Penguins on Middle Island from wild cats and dogs. Oddball succeeds in his campaign and becomes a front runner for Maremma dogs being used to protec...
神秘的黄玫瑰3 神秘的黄玫瑰系列三:布加勒斯特的秘密 布加勒斯特的秘密 Misterele Bucurestilor
她曾是一位超级巨星,但随着年华老去,她发现自己的吸引力正直线下降,唱片销量也越来越糟糕。她所在的唱片公司要求她与少女歌手Juliette Barnes(Hayden Panettiere)合作演出,否则将失去巡回演出、举办个人演唱会的资格,而且唱片公司也不再宣传她的唱片。迫于压力,Juliette很不情愿地答应了。Clare Bowen在剧中...
As a mother and daughter struggle to cope with the terrors of the post-revolution, war torn Tehran of the 80s, a mysterious evil begins to haunt their home.80年代两伊战争期间,一对母女在革命后饱受战火摧残的德黑兰艰难求生。不知何时起,一个未知的邪恶力量似乎入侵了她们的家庭。