17岁的泰勒趁暑假去加州海滩边边打零工边体验加州生活,在那里和美丽女孩艾莉相遇并交往。在一次派对上,泰勒与艾莉发生矛盾,此时却遇上了另一个女孩霍莉,两人发生短暂情缘。 泰勒随后与艾莉和好如初,然而却在学校又遇到了霍莉,更没料到接下来发生了一系列不愉快的事情,随着事态的发展,泰勒发现霍莉是个很危险...
Graduate student Alice Gilman is running from an abusive past. She seeks refuge in the infamous Hannah house; a historic home with an ominous past. Determined to prove the possibility of alternate dimensions, she unknowingly unlocks a gateway to unimaginable horror. Facing a series of bizarr...
卡塔林(希尔妲·佩特 Hilda Péter 饰)有着一段不堪回首的过往,她选择将糟糕的往事深深的埋藏在心底。成年之后,卡塔林遇见了现在的丈夫(拉茨洛·马特雷 László Mátray 饰),两人组成了家庭,生下了两个活泼可爱的儿子。 某一日,丈夫在无意之中发现了卡塔林的秘密,并且得知两个孩子之一的奥班(Norbert Tankó 饰...
Eva Braun takes inspiration from the actual sex scandals in the Italian Parliament and the 120 Days of Sodoma by Marquis De Sade. This mix create a grotesque journey through power, sex and will of people who does everything to be successful. Pier is a powerful and important Mogul who keeps th...