Oui(帕姆瓦瑞·尤德卡默尔 饰)的父母相继去世后,她来到了曼谷,与她的亲戚Bua同住。同样是家庭破碎的Aunt Bua(Amora Purananda 饰)先后失去自己的丈夫和儿子后,以占卜来维持生计。对她而言,能相依为命的就只有自己的外甥女Oui。Oui对于自己的新生活甚不习惯,常常受到工作和自 己的新居所排斥。为了减压,她不...
暗夜下的高谭市,迎来新一年的万圣节。偏偏就在这样一个宁静的夜晚,银嗓女妖(Kari Wuhrer 配音)救出所罗门格兰迪,在闹市区繁华街道引发混乱,危机时刻蝙蝠侠(Roger Craig Smith 配音)、绿箭侠(Chris Diamantopoulos 配音)等正义战士出现,暂时化解危机。在此之后,稻草人、泥面人随同前面两个恶棍接连登场...
每个大学校园宿舍里都有几个奇葩: 影片女主角青砚跟很多喜爱艺术的女生一样,有着自己的追求和梦想。她最大的梦想是在校园里办一场属于自己的个人演唱会,完成为自己挡车而死的妹妹未能实现的梦想。为了实现梦想,她努力挣钱,奔波在校园喝酒吧之间...... 四姐妹之一的贝贝,是众人口中所说的富二代、万人迷女神:...
英国剧作家JB Priestley的经典话剧改编成的电视电影。1912年的一个夜晚,富商柏令一家正在庆祝女儿的订婚,突然一位督查来访,声称是来询问一桩自杀事件的信息。然而随着问话的进行,这件看似与柏令家毫无关系的事件,却引出了一个一个秘密...而最后的真相,究竟是什么?
In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is chang...
A story of love and lust shaded with overtones of incest and lesbianism. Livia is a woman trying to regain the affections of her husband Alberto, whose journalism career takes him away for months at a time, on purpose. What she does not know is that he has an undeniable attraction for their d...