In a continuation of the story line from the 2010 film, Jennifer returns working for a Crisis Hotline, where a serial killer is using the hotline to target rapists. Jennifers dark past sends detectives in her direction, but is she the killer they are looking for?
In a near future, the world order has changed. With its 10 millions of unemployed citizens, France has now become a poor country. Its people wavers between rebellion and resignation and find an outlet in the shape of TV broadcast ultra brutal fights in which the players are legally doped and ...
从《音为爱》中脱颖而出的配角 Tawach Ponratnabraset,这一次在《读懂你的心》中引领着一群酷爱恐怖片的宅男们,终日倒弄着拍鬼片,却总是无法认真地完成一部影片。转校过来的新女生 Brang 某日吸引到了Mo的注意。他们千方百计地招募Brang加入到自己的团队。与此同时,Mo好像渐渐爱上了Brang。
Hage, the Holy Spirit, is writing a musical, when Jesus returns to earth at Christmas to prepare the apocalypse. To prevent this, Hage tries to convince him that mankind is worth saving with the help of a beautiful striptease dancer.
1941年,第二次世界大战如火如荼。是时,美军和苏联军队分别在马汀·斯通队长(安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan 饰)和涅米队长(约克·亚赫罗 Jouko Ahola 饰)的率领下进入了位于芬兰与俄罗斯边境地区,协助芬兰部队歼灭敌军。在之前的1939年, 纳粹德国抓捕俄罗斯士兵进行秘密的活体试验。两年后希特勒下令中止试验,并...