The film tells the story of Pedro Poveda (Raúl Escudero), a tenacious and innovative priest who opens paths in the field of education and in the defense of the rights of women in early twentieth century Spain. UNESCO recognized him in 1974 as "Educator and Humanist" and Pope John Paul II cano...
Ten-year-old Nicolas lives with his mother on a remote island, in a village inhabited solely by women and young boys. At a hospital overlooking the ocean, all the boys are subjected to a mysterious medical treatment. Only Nicolas questions what is happening around him. He senses that his moth...
英国剧作家JB Priestley的经典话剧改编成的电视电影。1912年的一个夜晚,富商柏令一家正在庆祝女儿的订婚,突然一位督查来访,声称是来询问一桩自杀事件的信息。然而随着问话的进行,这件看似与柏令家毫无关系的事件,却引出了一个一个秘密...而最后的真相,究竟是什么?
A ‘chance’ meeting in the street, give you the opportunity to Agata and Marc to help each other to overcome the inertia of their lives. Tired of going from bed to bed and boy to boy, Agata is confronted with the challenge of staying, not flee to problems. But Agata does not know ...
在当代解读战争蹂躏的加尔各答在1940年代,这部电影讲述byomkesh第一冒险(Sushant Singh Rajput),刚从大学毕业,他坑了自己对一个邪恶的天才是谁摧毁世界。这是他的智慧对抗最邪恶的罪魁祸首世界已经看到,在一个世界的谋杀案,国际政治阴谋和诱惑。
2012年9月19日,全世界数一数二的自行车展INTER BIKE在美国的拉斯维加斯开幕。而一场酝酿已久的风暴在拉斯维加斯著名酒店The Palms Hotel附属的The Pearl Theatre影院爆发。在这个全世界山地车车迷的盛大日子,堪称自行车电影史上最大投资的电影《Where the trail ends》在这里举办了首映礼! 2012红牛山地史诗大片...