进入虚饰而秘密的高级妓女的世界,在其中美梦和幻想能变成真实的世界(当然也有其代价)。 在这个世界中,权力、性和勒索才是最终的目标。 自由撰稿人莎拉正是把自己投入了这样的世界,来為她的新书收集信息。 莎拉的前一本书《莎拉和她的一百个男人》获得了辉煌的成功,莎拉的出版商催促她尽快写出续篇。 然而莎拉...
15 year-old Alejandro Duran, who comes from a religious Latino family, aspires to one day be a Catholic priest. But when Alex discovers a mysterious box he unwittingly unleashes a demonic spirit bent on possessing him. Alex must find a way to defeat this ancient demon, which has been tormenti...
《校合唱团的秘密》是一个穿插有很多音乐元素的儿童题材剧情短片,剧情设置在20世纪90年代匈牙利的布达佩斯。 灵感来自一个真实的故事,讲述一个获奖的学校合唱团,新来的女孩揭露其名声背后的丑陋秘密。 第89届奥斯卡 最佳真人短片
继澳大利亚大型教会新颂教会与相对论传媒(Relativity Studios)合作开展项目新闻传出后,其第一部电影“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起”(Hillsong: Let Hope Rise)将于5月首映。在相对论传媒负责监制该片的马特·阿尔瓦雷斯(Matt Alvarez)周三表示,整个工 作室因为这部备受期待的电影“非常激动”,“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起...
A ‘chance’ meeting in the street, give you the opportunity to Agata and Marc to help each other to overcome the inertia of their lives. Tired of going from bed to bed and boy to boy, Agata is confronted with the challenge of staying, not flee to problems. But Agata does not know ...
Bex and Dawn are trapped. They dream of taking control of their lives and owning their own upmarket cafe, but no one will give people them the opportunity.
The death of his safe cracking grandfather has landed Johnny as the only one left alive who can open a safe for a degenerate crew of violent gangsters,but he"s just a junkie with little more on his mind than getting that next fix.